ChromSwordAuto is the first-ever automated |
ChromSwordAuto has the capability to control the LC system just like any other data system (e.g. Openlab, Chemstation, Empower CDS, Chromeleon, etc.) and assumes at the same time the automated HPLC method development task. |
ChromSwordAuto simulates actions and decisions of human method developer. ChromSwordAuto is a powerful method development software capable of developing new methods or improving existing ones fully automatically. ChromSword Auto (CSA) is based on theory of liquid chromatography, newest computing technologies and more than 20 years of practical experience in HPLC method development. This extremely powerful combination enables the software to search for optimal separation conditions fully automatically. |
Support of different modes of chromatography:
ChromSwordAuto System Versatility ChromSwordAuto supports different system configurations with one column and UV detector up to advanced LC systems with column and solvent switching valves and two different detectors from basic UV up to DAD, FLD, MS and other. |